We were blessed to spend Thanksgiving in the beautiful mountains of Colorado. It was our first Thanksgiving in Colorado and we decided it definitely won't be our last. Mike & I hit the road Friday morning with Pebbles and drove to Albuquerque NM. Debbie & Bron were already there. We slept in and had breakfast before picking Matthew & Hayley up at the airport (they both had school & work on Friday). We pulled up to the cabin at about 7:00 and there were a few challenges that first night. Debbie & Bron always have someone open their cabin up - meaning turn on the water, light the fireplace, turn on the heaters & hot water heater. Apparently, we aren't that smart because we decided we would just do all that when we got there. Well, the cabin was 18 degrees! We unloaded the car as quick as possible and Mike had everything turned on in no time. I made a pot of Chicken Noodle Soup and it tasted soo good! We all put on two pairs of flannel pajamas and two pair of wool socks. That didn't help much so we played several games of "Catch Phrase" to try and warm up. It didn't work. I got the kids in their beds with extra blankets and went to bed myself. I had on so many clothes and blankets I couldn't sleep. Mike was sleeping and was breathing on my cheek. His breath was even cold! When we got up in the morning the cabin had warmed up to about 40 degrees. Once we opened the blinds and let the sun shine in the place warmed right up. We didn't have a problem with being cold any more. Maybe we will have someone open the cabin for us next time we arrive in the winter. The night time temperature was in the teens or lower but the days warmed up so beautifully. The weather was perfect. We spent the first few days visiting some spots we hadn't been to before. We went to the little town of Hotchkiss and stopped along the way to enjoy the view.
Matthew looking cool. This was taken in the vacinity of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison.
Me & Miss Hayley
Hayley & Matthew enjoying the sunshine.
Part of Blue Mesa. It is amazing how low the water gets in the winter.
Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful pictures. I'm so glad y'all had a relaxing Thanksgiving!
These pictures are so great! I want to be there right now!!!!
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