Our son Matthew has recently moved home. This is a good thing and Mike & I are happy to help him out and know he is coming home with a plan.
Matthew started college in the fall of 2005. His freshman year was a bit of a party but we all know that happens sometimes. He ultimately ended up in San Antonio with a couple of roommates. He has been working full time as well as serving in the Army Reserves on top of attending UTSA full time. He is currently working towards a Criminal Justice degree. Law Enforcement is something Matthew has always had an interest in and it seemed natural for him to pursue.
A funny thing happened along the way. Matthew's full time job was a 911 dispatcher for a company that services Bexar County and other areas that do not have their own 911 systems. He took to it very quickly and always had a story to tell. Some funny but many were very sad. Shortly after he was released to take calls alone. He took a call that I believe changed his life. Just a few seconds into the call Matthew realized he was talking to the brother of a close friend of his that was waiting for a kidney transplant. The brother came home and found him dead in their home. For some reason, God decided Matthew was to take that call. I will never forget his call to me when he told me what happened. A mother never wants to hear that kind of pain in her child's voice. He said he handled the call well and then told his supervisor what had happened. I was very concerned about him after that day but he dusted himself off and went on to work in the dispatch office for several more months. I visited him at work once and he welcomed me to the room that "sucks the life out of you". I personally have no idea how someone can do that job - I would be so bad at it. He soon applied for another job with the company and was transferred to a local hospital to handle ambulance transports from the facility. He has enjoyed the job and they love having him around. While working at the hospital, he has been exposed to many aspects of the health care field and it has sparked a new interest. He put his bachelors degree on hold for a bit and went to school to be an EMT. This semester he is working towards being a Paramedic. We sometimes laugh when we talk about Matthew ending up in the medical field. Never in a million years would I have guessed this. It just shows how mighty God is. He will point us in the direction He wants us to go. I am proud of Matthew for identifying this and moving towards something he enjoys. He is still at the hospital but picks up extra shifts on an ambulance as much as possible and stays very busy.
He sometimes gets a little frustrated because a lot of his friends will be graduating this year but we tell him not to get discouraged and stay focused. While he is at home he hopes to pay off some loans and decide if he wants to continue working towards the Criminal Justice major when he returns to UTSA in the fall.
Keep up the good work, Matthew, we are very proud. We love you and thank God for such a great son!
I had to snap a few pictures as he was heading out last night. Yes, I am proud of him.
Doesn't he look thrilled?